I met Suki 9 years ago. She was 4 years old and belonged to Marcia, my friend David's girlfriend. When I moved in with him I had no idea the bond that Suki and I would develop. I don't know how it began or when it began, I just know that it did, and we really did develop an incredibly tight bond!
I have said to many people that I may not have made the move to Tennessee without the very wonderful birthday gift that Marcia gave me in 2006. That's when she said that I could bring Suki with me. I know how much Marcia loved Suki and I know how hard that must have been for her, and I'll be forever grateful to her!
Suki and I had a wonderful 9 years together. I wasn't the best mommy in the world but I loved her so much! I looked so forward to seeing her when I got home at night! There was nothing more special than her waiting for me and greeting me at the door! Suki was paper trained, and every night I would come in and ask her if she'd been a good girl, and she couldn't wait to take me and show me that she had! Please excuse the mess that my house was this day, but this is what we did every night when I came home:
Suki couldn't jump up on the furniture so I built 'steps' around the furniture to help Suki climb on. When she got too old to use those Ray, my friend Debbie's husband, built her a ramp to use. They have no idea how much it meant to us because it gave Suki her freedom back.
A lot of people didn't get to see the energetic side of Suki, so here is a little video to show that. I was trying very hard to get her to bark but she just wouldn't cooperate.
I'm not exactly sure when things changed, it was very gradual. She stopped barking at me when I came home. I really miss that attitude bark I used to get when I left her alone too long. Oh, she would tell me all about it! We stopped going in to see what a good girl she was, although she always was! There was no more licking me in the face in the morning when she wanted to get up! Back then I just wanted to sleep but you had to love it when she did that! Eventually she loved to sleep even more than I did as you can see in the next video; one of my all time favorites...
What a sweet little angel she was!!! I took her to get groomed the week before she passed. She was so exhausted after that she came home and took a nap. She didn't even eat the treat I gave her.
I had a book club meeting that night and believe it or not, Suki slept through the entire thing even as Tamara and I passed her back and forth, taking turns holding her. I had spent the whole morning telling her she was getting all gussied up for the ladies, and then she slept right through the entire meeting. About 5 minutes after everyone left she woke up and I took this picture of her and posted it on the facebook page so that they could see her awake.
Frankie said that it looked like she was saying 'hey, did I miss something?', and I think Frankie was right!
I've got a ton of pictures and a ton of memories that I clearly can't put into this blog, if I did it would quickly turn into a book! This won't be the last you hear of her or the last pictures that you see of her. I am certain there will be more from time to time.
It's been a month since I lost my little Suki Luu. I want to thank everyone for their support during this time. The facebook comments, the flowers, the calls, the cards. They all really helped a lot.
Suki has found her final resting spot inside our air conditioned house, of course. I can't pick her up and hold her anymore, but she's here; I can feel her. This is my memorial to Suki.
I don't know if there really is a Rainbow Bridge but I'd like to believe there is. I look forward to the day I'll be able to hold my baby again and she can give me the kisses that she always saved just for me. Until then, I will have the memories and plenty of pictures to remind me of the good times!
I don't know how I never saw this before... it has me in tears. I know it's been a few months now, but I am so sorry for your loss. She looked like a really wonderful companion.