I was a little apprehensive about this run for two reasons. First, I was concerned about the hill coming out of Shelby Park and second I was on my own for this run because all of my friends had other plans! But, a goal is a goal, so I sucked it up and drove over to East Nashville. I got lucky and actually spotted a friend when I got there, Quincy! Not a friend I could run with, he is much too fast for me, but it was great seeing him and he introduced me to a few people, although I couldn't run with them either!
Once again East C.A.N. was there with an adoptable dog. They didn't give much of a story for this one. I'm not sure if it was a boy or a girl. He (or she) was very pretty though. They asked for a volunteer to run with him and a guy stepped up to take him out. This however, didn't work out so well. Turns out he (or she) didn't want to run. He (or she) made it about 5 blocks before wanting to turn around so he took him back to the start and headed out once again. How do I know this? Welll, he passed me a couple miles into the run! Man, these East Nasties are fast!
I liked this route although once again the Garmin doesn't really do justice to the elevation changes. Either that or it's just me not getting along with the hills. I guess it could be a little of both. I'm hoping that after 12 weeks of running in East Nashville me and the hills will be getting along better. Anyhow, I guess it's just that time of year but everything seemed so green and pretty and if my phone battery hadn't been so low I would have taken some pictures as we ran down into Shelby Bottoms, around the lake, and back out. Running out of the park wasn't as bad as I expected. I walked a few times but all in all I think this was a pretty good run. I'm looking forward to Run #3.